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Innovate and Educate, Creative Bulletin News, Episode 6: "DISCover Yourself and a Genuine Teaching will Emerge!"

Foto del escritor: Ivette Foster GarcíaIvette Foster García

Actualizado: 10 oct 2024

On this 6th episode, we will learn about the importance of self-knowledge thanks to an amazing expert on soft skills.

Her name is Marta Freire, and she will share with us the DISC mode, or as she prefers to call it, the DISC Language. This tool can allow us to develop better communicative skills with ourselves and with others.

Marta will emphasize on the importance of finding out the "whys" and "wherefores" of any communicative act and how we can identify our own needs and others in a more efficient way.

Besides, she will share with us several possibilities of interaction with our students that can establish solid and respectful relationships. Finally, she will invite you teachers to work on your self-awareness in order to shape enriching and authentic learning-teaching processes.

I hope that you enjoy it!



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